Other Ways to Help

There are many ways in which all of us can contribute to the ACSPCA, some that you may
not even know about. See all the ways that you can help below.
Now, you can make a gift that really will keep on giving forever.
Please consider putting us in your will. Remember the animals with a bequest to the Adams County SPCA, just as you remember the people and pets that have made a difference in your life. A bequest is a versatile, tax-deductible donation you can make in your will or living trust. You can choose to give a certain dollar amount, percentage of your estate or property upon your death. It can also be contingent upon certain events, if you like.
Just a few sentences in your will or trust are all that is needed to make a lasting contribution to the welfare of countless orphaned animals. All you need to include is the following sentence in your will: "I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to the Adams County SPCA [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."
The continuation of our vital services depends on people like you. For more information or to discuss making a bequest to the Adams County SPCA, please contact Abby Avery, ACSPCA Shelter Manager at 717-334-8876 Ext. 22.
We also encourage you to speak with your financial advisor.

Have a Fundraiser/Event
The following form can be filled out and submitted to host an Event/Fundraiser, and If you are in need of pamphlets, donation jars, supplies, etc .... and/or if you would like to have your event posted on our website.
Please email completed form to aavery@adamscountyspca.net or mail to 11 Goldenville Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325. Fax number is 717-334-1338.

Corporate Matching Program
Another way to make your donation dollars stretch is a Corporate Matching Program. Many employers are willing to match the charitable contributions of their employees. Matching gifts are usually matched dollar for dollar (often by just completing a simple company form).
So check out your company rules and please inquire at your employer's Human Resources or Personnel Department to determine if you have a Matching Gift Program and help the animals twice as much!
Workplace Giving
Employer-sponsored programs that offer employees the opportunity to make a charitable contribution through payroll deduction. So please inquire at your employer's Human Resources or Personnel Department to determine if they have a program that employees can give to the charities and causes they support.

Business Donation Jar
You would not believe how a little change here and a couple of dollars there adds up!!
Every penny counts toward the care and services of an animal.
If you are interested in having an ACSPCA Donation jar at your business please send an email to contactus@adamscountyspca.net. Thank you