Help make a difference
and sign up to volunteer today!
WELCOME! We're happy that you're interested in volunteering your time and energy at the Adams County SPCA.
The life of an animal in a shelter can be very challenging. Getting an opportunity every day to have special time and attention is what helps them "get by with a little help from their friends." Our volunteers are truly best friends to the animals in our care, and many volunteers have said that they personally get a huge reward from their time with the animals. Plus, they get to meet other great animal lovers. It's a win, win partnership!
There are many ways you can help, even if it’s only for a few hours a week. Most volunteers work with the animals, exercising and playing with the dogs; and grooming, exercising and socializing the cats. This extra attention helps keep the animals happier and enables them to maintain their ability to interact well with people. As a result, they are better able to present themselves when people come looking for a new pet to adopt.
It takes many people to keep a shelter clean. The grounds, cages, kennels and surface areas are scrubbed every morning. There is the maintenance cleaning during the day. There is always laundry to be done. The washers and dryers are never quiet. Fold a few loads, wash a few loads, and you can always play with a furry friend in between loads. Or help to wash dishes. All of their food bowls, plates and water bowls are washed by hand. It can be hard work, but what a difference you can make in the life of a furry friend.
How do I Become a Volunteer
Fill out our Volunteer application
This is an online form, and submitting it creates your volunteer profile in our system. After you submit your completed Volunteer Application, it will be processed and provided approval is issued; you will receive an email alerting you to our next scheduled Orientation. (This may take a few weeks until we set a date)
All Volunteers must wear a volunteer T-shirt when volunteering. $10 is required at orientation for a volunteer T-shirt. We also have volunteer sweatshirts available for $25.
Volunteer Orientation is required prior to actual Volunteering can take place. Basic Orientation is approximately one hour. We will send out an email prior to the next orientation or you may email Tonya at thays@adamscountyspca.net to get a date and time setup.
We keep approved Applications on hand for two consecutive Orientations. If you can not make it to the first scheduled Orientation, we will make a second attempt to schedule you. If you do not make it to the second scheduled Orientation, your Application is dismissed and you will need to start the process over with a new Application.
Volunteers work directly under the guidance of Shelter Staff on duty. A Staffer is always available to assist you should a question or concern arise. Any Volunteer(s) acting inappropriately or exhibiting conduct issues will not be tolerated and will be asked politely to leave the premises. Undermining the Staff is not tolerated.

**We are currently NOT taking new volunteers due to having enough active volunteers at this time**
Exercising the Dogs & Cats
Socializing the Dogs & Cats
Helping with some minor Clerical work
Helping with Events
Become a Board Member
Bathing Animals
Special Projects of Interest
Age Requirements
No Volunteering under the age of 14 is permitted due to Insurance Liabilities.
Volunteers between 14-16 years old are able to volunteer with cats and pocket pets ONLY; Must have a parent or guardian present; Both the Volunteer and Parent/Guardian must have applied and attended Volunteer Orientation beforehand.
Volunteers between 16-18 years old Are able to volunteer with cats and pocket pets ONLY; do not need parent or guardian present.
Volunteers 18 and older - Able to volunteer with dogs, cats and pocket pets freely.
All large animal volunteers must be experienced in handling large animals; especially horses and must be 18 years or older. We are unable to train inexperienced people due to liability insurance.
A separate orientation at the farm in which the animals are housed will be required by all volunteers that will be assisting with those particular animals. At this orientation you will be told what is expected from the volunteers, what to do when supplies are needed, what to do if you spot trouble with any animal you are overseeing, where to sign in at, and what to do if there is an emergency.
All large animal volunteers work under the guidance of the Shelter Manager, or the senior staff member on duty. A member of the shelter staff will always be available to assist you should a question or concern arise.
Our volunteer applications can be filled out online or printed out, completed, and mailed to:
Adams County SPCA
11 Goldenville Rd
Gettysburg, PA 17325
or faxed to 717-334-1338
We REALLY hope that you'll join our team of volunteers, either working directly with the animals at our shelter or some of our other volunteer activities.